
Water is Flow

Water is flow and it is always changing, just as we are in flux as long as we exist. Water is also life, as indigenous people rightly claim. We cannot live without it and neither can the plants and animals we share the earth with.

It is no wonder then, that it is such a human rights issue. In pristine places far away from sources of pollution, we can encounter water in its purest form.

I am privileged to have traveled to Patagonia, Iceland, Antarctica, the Okefenokee Swamp, and many wild areas to witness water in its cleanest state

Sadly, most toxic waterways are found near communities where poorer people live, and often they depend on these waterways for subsistence living. With rising temperatures and more and more droughts, freshwater is running out in many areas and cyanobacteria has been found in every state in the country during the warmer months.

Though we may think the most polluted waterways are not in our backyards, water does not stop at borders and ocean currents traverse the globe.

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